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Transaction EXPORT/IMPORT Settings
KEY VALUE What it does ...

If you are operating multiple registers that are not connected to the same master database you may need to merge the data into a single master database at the end of each day. Please see the detailed instructions on how to do this in the daily processing section of the manual.

There are two MiscPArms table settings that control the location of the files created by the export and import process. The default value is Q:\RAS2000\ for both settings. We have provided two settings because the export and import settings may be different for different machines... depending on how their individual network drives are mapped. If you don't have a Q:\RAS2000 directory you will need to create two new MISCPARMS with the settings appropriate to your installations. The two MiscParm records are not automatically created - that is, internal logic in the program defaults to Q:\RAS2000\ but if you want to override this setting you will need to create the Miscparm records TRANSACTION-EXPORT-PATH and/or TRANSACTION-IMPORT-PATH with the appropriate path as the data value.
You can import transactions from up to 9 external sources, and if necessary via custom interfaces created by Quadrant Systems. These might include other transaction oriented sub-systems (such as a utility, parking, parks and rec, or permit system systems.) If the data available from such systems is not in the correct format for direct import into the Quadrant Systems RASWIN program, (it usually is not), it will need to be reformatted into the correct format prior to the actual import process. The IMPORT-REFORMATTER-[0-9] settings allow you to specify the name of an executable program (which you or Quadrant Systems can provide) that reads the import file from the external system and turns the data into the correct format. The value of the import reformatter should be the complete file name, e.g.,
Key Value Text Value
IMPORT-REFORMATTER-1 C:\programfiles\quadrant\raswin\READFIP.EXE

When the RASWIN program starts, it checks for the 9 possible import-reformatter program name values. If the MISCPARM table setting is not present, or if file specified by the value of the setting (the program file spec) is not present at the specified location the option will be 'grayed out'. The name specified should include the complete path as well as the program file name. The name can include a drive specification (e.g., C:, D:, etc.) or a UNC type file name, for example:


Your actual import reformatter program must be 'self-contained', that is, it must contain all the logic and option settings within itself, a database, or via INI files it uses - no RASWIN database settings, other than the program name itself, are stored within the RASWIN database.

Contact Quadrant Systems for information regarding importing transactions from various external systems. In most cases, it is necessary for us to create a special program for you. Depending on the complexity of the import data file provided by your external system, costs can vary.
EXPORT-DEFAULT-REG-NUM When you select the Create Upload Data File option from the FILE menu, you will be presented with a screen that permits you to select which register, registers, or department will be included in the transaction data. The default value for the selection is the current register. If you wish to select all registers instead of the current register, set the value of this parameter to ALL. If you want to have the value default to the current register set it to CURRENT. Regardless of the setting you set in this parameter, you can always override the value at run-time.
EXPORT-FORMAT This setting can be used to tell the RASWIN export function the format in which the export file should be created. The settings are FIXED, SPACE, and USERDEFINED.

Any other value will be treated as if you had set it to SPACE. The normal setting is SPACE. Essentially, this setting controls the delimiter that appears between each field in the export file. The TAB and SPACE settings are standard settings. If you wish to use another character, such as a vertical bar, then you need to set that value in the EXPORT-DELIMETER value, which will also be found in the EXPORT SETTINGS section.
EXPORT-DELIMITER This setting is only used if the EXPORT-FORMAT setting is USERDEFINED. Normally this value is not used for any standard export format.
EXPORT-FORCE-CR-ACCOUNT-NUMBERS This setting can be set to Y or N. The default value is N.

If set to Y the export program will check the CURRENT value of the CR_ACCT field in the tran codes table using the TRANCODE on the transaction detail record. The system will then use the current value in the trancodes table as the value to record for the export, as opposed to the value in effect at the time the transaction was posted. This will normally be the same value, so it will have no affect for most posted items. However, in the event that the system administrator has changed the account numbers during the processing day, it will result in the account number being updated to match what is in the trancodes table at the time of the export.

The program will also update the receipt detail record to match the current account number, if the account on the record is different than the account # in the tran codes table.

If a CR_ACCT_EDIT_MASK value is present, (which requires the user to enter the account number at the time of transaction entry), the value will remain the same.
EXPORT-ONE-DAY-ONLY If you normally export data on a daily basis for a single date only, setting this value to Y will cause the option box on the export screen to be CHECKED when the export screen is first loaded. This automatically directs the program to adjust the 'starting' and 'ending' date ranges to be the same value when either one of them is changed.

At the time you run the export process you can override this setting on a one-time basis by un-checking the box before adjusting the date range values.
EXPORT-FILE-NAME This setting allows you to specify the output file name the export process will create. If you are using the LEGACY-FORMAT reformatter process, then you should not change the value of this setting. It is a temporary file that the program creates which will be used as the input file for the reformatting step. The file will normally have a file extension of .TXT or .DAT and will be created on the local drive in the


EXPORT-DEFAULT-REGNUM This setting defines which register number selection will be made in the initial display of the export screen. The valid settings are ALL and CURRENT. The ALL value is most often used. If you want to create separate export files on each register then you would normally set it to CURRENT, which will cause the initial value to be set to the register number of the register on which you are running the export function, e.g., if you are on register 002, the value will be 002. You can override the automatic selection at run-time.
EXPORT-DEFAULT-DEPT This setting defines which register department selection will be made in the initial display of the export screen. The valid settings are ALL and CURRENT. The ALL value is most often used. If you want to create separate export files for each department then you would normally set it to CURRENT, which will cause the initial value to be set to the department for the register number of the register on which you are running the export function. You can override the automatic selection at run-time.
EXPORT-REFORMATTER Many sites have existing host interfaces in place that require the export file to be in a speicifc format, as opposed to reprogramming those interfaces to pick up the expanded format native to the RASWIN program.

To address this issue, Quadrant Systems provides a special module that reads the output file created by the RASWIN program and converts it so it is in the format required for import. The module can be run by creating a setting in the MISCPARMS table that tells the Create Upload Data File module on the "File" menu to run the reformatting module after it has created the file in the Windows format. The EXPORT REFORMATTER module then reads this file, and creates an output file that is ready for import into your existing interfaces. The process takes just a second or so, even for a very large number of records.

The value of this parameter should be NONE to indicate that you don't want to reformat the data, or

LEGACY-FORMAT to tell it that you do want to reformat the data (using the Quadrant supplied reformatting module).

Alternatively, if you have created your own reformatting program you can specify that program file name here and it will use that module instead of the one Quadrant Systems provides. If this value is anything other than NONE or LEGACY-FORMAT the program will try to run whatever executable program is specified to reformat the file. If the specified program file can't be found (e.g., the wrong name is given, or if it not found on the specified path) an error message will appear telling you it can't locate the program file.

The default value is none At most Quadrant user sites the proper value is LEGACY-FORMAT

These values control the date formats in the records created by the export reformatter module. The value can be any valid date format such as yymmdd, ddmmyy, mmddyyyy, etc. The default value is for each setting YYYYMMDD but they can be individually controlled to match your import requirements.

The individual prefined export formats support a full 4 digit year in most cases, and the specific format you enter can include dashes or slashes, if needed.
These values control the OUTPUT format of the fields in the export file that contain currency amounts (e.g., transaction amount). The format consists of two parts -- the format for a positive amount and the format for a negative amount. Each part must contain the same number of characters, and must be separated by a semi-colon (;). If the format string contains a decimal point, the output will include the decimal. Otherwise, the program will multiply the transaction amount by 100 and format the field without the decimal.

The default value is 00000000000+;00000000000-

These are independently controlled by the GL-DOLLAR-FORMAT-STRING or UBL-DOLLAR-FORMAT-STRING setting. If the GL-DOLLAR-FORMAT-STRING and UB-DOLLAR-FORMAT-STRING specific settings are not present, the program will create them for you automatically with specific values varying depending of the pre-defined output format you have selected.

From there, you can adjust them independently of each other via normal table maintenance functions.

Note that on some specific export formats these values are ignored and the format of the dollar amounts is hard-coded into the program and cannot be changed. These are generally situations where the output format is specifically tailored for one Quadrant customer ... and fixed so they format can't be modified by accident.
EXPORT-SUMMARIZE-BY-CR-ACCOUNT The Export Reformatter module can summarize certain transactions codes instead of passing the full detail. This is useful if you have lots of low dollar amount transactions (for example, photo-copy fees) and you don't want to see the complete transaction detail in your G/L journal printouts. The default value is N. Setting it to Y will cause any transaction codes that have their SUMMARY_FLAG field set to Y to summarize. See the SUMMARY_FIELD description in the TranCodes Table maintenance portion of the manual for more information on this topic.
EXPORT-SUMMARIZE-DUMMY-TRAN-CODE If you have elected to summarize transactions (see paragraph above) you may not want to summarize by trancode.

We don't recommend this option, but if you need to do it, you can force the system to put totals into groups and ignore the actual tran_code used to post the items as part of the summarization process.

This might be used if you have large quantities of transactions for several different tran_code values which link to the same G/L number. The value stored in this parameter will cause the actual tran_code to be replaced with a dummy-tran-code value. (which may or may not be a valid Tran_Code.. note: it does not have to be exist in the trancodes table).

The default value is 9999.
These settings control the PATH of the output data files to be created by the Export Reformatter module. The file path can be any valid path, and can be located on any valid drive/directory path.

The user signed on to the network must have the needed rights to the specified location in order for the file[s] to be placed there. The path can reference a drive letter, or can use a UNC type file name such as: \\finance_server\quadrant\ Be sure to include the backwards slash ( \ ) at the end of the path values. For both GL and UB the default value is C:\PROGRAMDATA\QUADRANT\
These values control the name of the output data files to be created by the Export Reformatter module. It is added to the end of the PATH values (see previous entries) to construct the complete output file path and name. The combination of the xx-FILE-PATH and xx-FILE-NAME values must be valid .The file names can be any valid name. The user signed on to the network must have the needed rights to the specified path\location in order for the file[s] to be placed there. For GL, the default value is and for UB the default value is extract.ub.

If you set the GL or UB file name value to NONE then the system will skip creation of that file. You would to do this if you only need one output file. Don't set them both to NONE or you won't get any output file created.

If you wish to use a variable format name which includes the date you can easily do this by including special identifiers that the program will replace at run-time with portions of the year, month and day. For example, instead of using a 'fixed' file name such as EXTRACT.GL you could have a name that also includes the date, such as EXTRACT_2021_01_22.GL To do this simply include the text @YEAR, @MONTH, and @DAY in the file name specification. Instead of use

Note that the date value used for the file name is based on the date of the data selected for the export file, not the date/time when you create the export file. This way, the same set of data will have the same file name. If a range of dates is included in your exported file, the date used for the file name is based on the earliest date contained in the data file.
This value tells the program which system codes are General Ledger type transactions. Another value is used to define UB type records. For GL, the default value is /GL/RV/EX/. For UB, the default value is /UB/. When the export files are created they are split into two files, one containing the records defined as the GL types, and the other containing the UB types. As each record is read from the database, the program looks at the trancode, then checks the trancodes table to determine what SIF code is associated with it. It then looks at the GL-SIF-CODES and UB-SIF-CODES values, and if the SIF code is found in the list it includes the record in the appropriate output file.

If you wish to exclude certain records from one or both files, just set the SYSTEM_CODE (a.k.a. SIF code) in the TRANCODES table to a value that is not listed in the GL-SIF-CODES or UB-SIF-CODES record. We suggest using something like XX which makes it clear these records will not be exported. You could use any other value of your choosing. We recommend NOT using EX because it could be confused with EXpenditure type transactions if those are used at your location. If a specific SIF code is listed in the GL-SIF-CODES or UB-SIF-CODES record and does not exist in any of the records processed for export, it will not cause any problems or errors.
This value causes the program to add two trailer records to the output file to tell the importing system that all the records have been sent and the number of records. The default value is Y.
This value tells the program what output format to use to create the export records in the specified output file. The value of gl-output-format and ub-output-format values will be provided to you by Quadrant Systems during your initial setup of the program. If and invalid value is given the system will use format 003.

If your specific interface needs custom modifications we can create a special format to duplicate what you had before or you can adopt the WINDOWS export format and read the new file. If you select the WINDOWS format, you have two settings. These are to read the file created by the main RASWIN program, or to run it through the LEGACY FORMATTER module to cause the various field transformations (e.g., removing punctuation from account numbers, etc.) to be done as performed by the LEGACY FORMATTER module and described in this documentation. The default value is 003.
This value will cause the Utility Account Number to be padded with trailing zeros. This is not normally required. The default value is N.
This value removes dashes from your Utility account number, e.g., 123-456-7890 would become 1234567890 The default value is N.
same as the above option, except for periods. 1234.56789.234234 becomes 123456789234234 The default value is N.
This removes any spaces from the account number. 1234 56789 234234 becomes 123456789234234 The default value is N.
These settings allow you to tell the program to locate one character in the account number, and replace it with another. For example, if your account number contains a period, and you want to replace it with a space, you would set this value to /. / (Each pair of characters must be surrounded by / characters. In this example, a period would be replaced with a space. If you also wanted to replace another character you would simply add another pair of replace characters to the list..e.g., /. /- /. The characters are replaced in the sequence in which the character pairs appear ... in this example, the period would be replaced with a space first, then any dashes would be replaced with spaces. 123.567-999 becomes 123 567 999 The default value is /. /.