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Function Keys
During entry of transactions you are required to enter the trancode as the first entry on the line item entry screen. If you have several codes that are frequently used, you can set them up in this table for display on the line item entry screen.

You can set up several types of function keys; GLOBAL keys are those that apply to ALL workstations, those that apply to all users in a department (e.g., FINANCE, REC, BLDG, etc.), those that apply to a single user, and lastly those that apply to a specific register.

Key Assignment Priority:

The program will search for keys in the following order:


Whichever is found first 'wins'.

In other words, if GLOBAL and DEPT keys are both defined, the DEPT keys will apply because they come first in the order in which the keys are checked. If both USER and DEPT keys are found, the USER keys will be used.

You can set up specific keys defined as GLOBAL (apply to all workstations) and others defined using the alternate methods ( USER, REG, or DEPT).

Note that the sample keys show to the left show square brackets around the portion of the key values that represent the dept_code, regnum, or user_id values. Do not include the [] characters in your actual keys (they should be as shown below).

You may have to do some experimenting with the entries to cause them to display appropriately in the available space on the entry screen. If you don't have a need to have these entries, delete them from the Misc Parameters table and these keys will then be grayed out.

Function keys are defined in pairs...that is the action that will happen when the user presses or clicks on the function key button, and the caption which is the text that appears on the button. These two settings are explained in the following sections.

Note that when the system is determining the DEPT_CODE to use for function keys, it faces a choice. Each register is assigned to a DEPT_CODE via the LICENSE table, and each user is assigned to a DEPT_CODE via the CASHIERS table. Since Function Keys can be assigned to as both USER SPECIFIC and DEPARTMENT SPECIFIC settings, there is a way to tell the system how to determine the cashier's department.

This is called the DEPARTMENT-PRIORITY-MODE. If set to C then the cashier's assigned DEPT_CODE will be used. If set to R it will be based on the DEPT_CODE assigned to the regnum in the LICENSE table.

This issue is only important if you have multiple registers in use in multiple departments. Here's how it might be used:

If you set up transaction code function keys, as described in the next section, your values might look like this:

KEY VALUE What it does ...
Sample Fkey Definition Pairs:In the sample keys below the 'xx' represents the FKEY number 01 to 12. For a function key to work, both the 'action' key and the 'caption' key must be present.




Key Value Text Value Applies to

FKEY-01 1000{ENTER} Global-trancode 1000 for All Users unless overridden by USER, REGISTER or DEPARTMENT specific settings

FKEY-02 2000{ENTER} TranCode 2000 if it is a unique code, or that start with 2000 if there a multiple codes that start with 2000. This is global-All Users unless overridden by the USER, REGISTER or DEPARTMENT settings
FKEY-02-CAPTION Dog license

FKEY-05-dept-gc GB{ENTER} All trancodes or descriptions that START with the letters GB for Department GC unless overridden by the USER, or REGISTER settings
FKEY-05-dept-gc-CAPTION Golf Balls

FKEY-user-bc-05 taxes%{ENTER} All trancodes or descriptions that START with TAXES for User BC only

FKEY-user-bc-05 %TAX%{ENTER} All trancodes or descriptions that CONTAIN the letters TAX for User BC only

FKEY-reg-001 1%{ENTER} All TRANCODES that start with 1, for Register 001 only unless overridden by a USER specific key
FKEY-reg-001-CAPTION transit