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MiscParms-License Information
KEY VALUE What it does ...

('NNN' represents the register number.)
These key values consists of several parts, each separated by a "-" (dash). The first portion is the REGNUM ( 001 to 999), the second is the word RUNCODE, or MAX-TRAN and the last portion is the keyword

Each licensed function (e.g. TRANSACTIONS, FASTPOST, etc.) has a RUNCODE value to enable that specific function. Quadrant Systems will supply the proper run code values for you when your system is initially setup and you should not change these values for any reason or that function will cease to operate on that register.

For volume limited licenses, the MAX-TRAN settings define the number of transactions that can be performed and on what basis (e.g, YEAR or MONTH)

A RUNCODE is needed for any workstation that will perform transaction processing. For 'non-production' workstations (those that do inquiry, reporting, and table maintenance) no RUNCODE is needed.