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Other Misc Settings
KEY VALUE What it does ...
BACKGROUND-MAIN This parameter defines the graphics image that will be displayed on the Quadrant Systems RASWIN main program menu. It can be any valid .BMP or .webp graphics file image. For best appearance it should be in the general shape of your normal screen in terms of height and width, e.g., 600(h)x 800(w) or so. You can find a number of pretty good images in the

C:\program files (x86)\quadrant\raswin\bmp directory.
LOOKUP-BALANCE-LIMIT This parameter is a numeric value containing a dollar amount such as

200.00 or 500.00.

During transaction processing you can perform "lookups" to verify a customer balance. On the lookup screen, you will see the customer balance figure as it is made available to the program from your host system or your lookup file. You can set this parameter so that any balance that exceeds the specified amount is highlighted in red so as to draw your attention to an especially large balance value.

LOOKUP-UB-DEFAULT-PAD-ZERO-SIZE For Utility Billing related lookups you can specify that a wild card search character will be prefixed to the beginning of your entered account number search value.

This applies ONLY to the account number field. The result will be that if you enter a value such as 12345 the program will place the sql wild card % in front before performing the search function. The search will then be %12345. The setting will initially be created with a default value of N. If you change it to a % sign that will activate the feature.




For Utility Billing related lookups you can specify that the program utilize a special query template for your lookup. If the setting is N/A (the default value) then this option will be ignored. If it is not N/A, then it must point to an entry in the SQLSTATEMENTS table, which defines the actual SQL query to be executed.

The system supports three custom templates, one each for a search by ACCOUNT, NAME, or ADDRESS. In the examples below we explain in detail the account number query, but the same logic applies to the other two templates.

Here's few simple examples of how the custom sql settings could be set up:

First set the value of LOOKUP-UB-USE-SQL-TEMPLATE-ACCOUNT to a template name, such as UB_LOOKUP_QUERY_ACCOUNT in the SQLSTATEMENTS table.

The COMMAND NAME, would be UB_LOOKUP_QUERY_ACCOUNT In this case there is only a short SQL statement needed. It uses 'keywords' ... that is, values that the RASWIN program will replace with data values. The key word is prefixed with the @ sign in front of the keyword, as shown below.


There is just one keyword: @LOOKFOR. This query will operate only against the standard LOOKUP_UB table, so that table, and column names are explicitly named in the query. The @LOOKFOR value is your search criteria. Per the standard logic associated with the lookup function, the program will attempt to make a reasonable assumption about what you are looking for based on what you entered (e.g., an account number, customer name, or customer address. If your entry is all numbers, it assumes it is an account number, if it starts with a letter it assumes a name, and if it starts with numbers followed by a space and then more letters or numbers, it assumes it is an address. You can force column by clicking one of the options at the top of the lookup screen.

When you make your entry, the program will replace your entered search value in the @LOOKFOR position of the query, 12345 as the search value, the program will assume you mean an account number, and form the SQL statement as :


If you want the list to always be presented in order by the customer name instead of account number, you could change your template so it is:


If you want the list to always be presented in order by the customer address, you could change your template so it is:


If you want the search to use a wild-card in front of the entered search criteria as well as behind it and to show in account number order you could change your template so it is:


Remember, the examples above are for a customer account number lookup. The specific column name custnum is shown in these samples. If the search is based on a name, the column name for that template will be custname, and if it determined to be an address, the column name will be address. These are the standard column names used in the LOOKUP_UB table.

Keep in mind that despite the sort order you may specify in your query template, once your selected data is displayed, you can simply click on a column title to resort by that column instead of the one you specified in your SQL template.
LOOKUP-UB-DEFAULT-PAD-ZERO-SIZE For Utility Billing related lookups you can specify a default account size value so that if the user enters only a partial account number the system will left-zero-fill the account number field so that the lookup can succeed. By default this option tell the system how big the your numbers should be. ( 8 to 12 characters is typical for most account numbers.)

In order for this to work, there are some restrictions that must be complied with. These are:
  1. The account numbers in your lookup table must ALL be the same size.
  2. They must be all numeric (that is, no special characters like dashes or other punctuation between the digits).
  3. The value you attempt to lookup must be ALL NUMBERS. Per the normal lookup logic, if you enter a value starting with letters, or starting numbers followed by a space and more values (letters or numbers) the system will assume your entry is a name or address and skip this account number padding logic entirely. If you use wild-cards, this logic will be ignored.
As an example, supposed you have an account number such as 0000012345 (10 digits).

If you enter just 12345, and have activated this feature, the program will add 5 leading zeros to your entered value, then attempt to lookup the actual matching account number 0000012345 that is contained in the database.

The first time you use your lookup function, the program will automatically establish this feature with it's value set to N/A, which tells it not to try and do the automatic padding function. Once it has been created, you can manually turn it on by going to the Table Maintenance function, MISCPARMS and searching for the setting.

The default value is N/A, which deactivates this function. Change this value to match the size of your account number, e.g, 10, or 12 or whatever size it is.

Once this is done, the feature will be active.

These two settings tell the program whether or not to check the internet and your local network for availability of program updates.

These are shown below (for register 001). There will be settings established automatically as shown if they do not already exist when the program is first run on a particular register. If the setting is Y (the default) the program will try to check the RASWINSQL database or the Quadrant website to find a more current version. If set to N it will skip that particular test. If both settings are N both tests will be skipped.

If a newer version is detected in either location a display similar to this one will be shown: It will not automatically download or update anything on your workstation as a result of these tests.

If your workstation is not permitted to access the internet for some reason, there could be a delay on startup because the program will attempt to access it and Windows will try for a few seconds before giving up. If this is the situation at your location, you will want to set the nnn-CHECK-VERSION-WEB setting to N to cause it to be skipped.