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Payment Processing Settings
During payment processing, the user has an opportunity to enter a payer name. This setting allows you to tell the RASWIN program that certain characters that are part of the entered name should be replaced with other characters. The default setting is \* \&/\? \_ \.

Note that the actual character pairs to be replaced are set between the back-slash character which serves as a delimiter defining the two-character pairs.

What this does is force any asterisks with a space, the & sign with a forward slash, the ? mark with a space, and the underscore character with a space.

In addition certain other cleanup steps are taken regardless of the setting of this value. These include the following automatic replacements:

Character[s] Becomes
' `
" `
// /
/{space} /
{space}/ /
{space}{space} {space}
{line-feed} removed
{carriage return} removed
{tab} removed
The definition of what payment types are included in each set is contained in the payment_type_sets entries.
Note that the entries in these parms are in the format


where the nnn is a string consisting of letters or numbers, for example, 001, ABC, ALL, etc.. In the trancodes table, only this portion of the set name is entered.

The TEXT_VALUE column (2nd column) defines the specific payment methodsthat are associated with each payment type set.

For more information about how these entries are used see field #36, Payment Types List, in the TRANCODES table documentation .
If the setting for PMT-PAYER-NAME-REQUIRED is set to NEVER, then you can set this parameter to N to indicate that the payer name field should not be shown on the entry screen. If set the Y the field will still be shown, but if the PMT-PAYER-NAME-REQUIRED is set to NEVER the user will not be able to enter a value in the field.
The setting can be one of two values:
Option Setting Result
Y Allows the user to accept a payment amount (of any type) without any restriction on calculated change. This is the default value.
N You can't give any change for non-cash payments (e.g., CK, etc.) You must explicitly set the parameter to N for this option to take effect.
If the lookup file contains message codes, these are displayed on the lookup selection grid, and then translated into English for you when you select one of the names that contains message codes. The 'x' in the key value represents a single-letter code consisting of the letters A-Z, and various symbols, such as !@#$^&. You can have any number of these message code entries (4 or 5 is typical). For example, you might have a Cash only message code on the master file that is downloaded to the Quadrant Systems for lookup. This example assumes the message code is C. First you would create a key value of PAYER-NAME-MESSAGE-C and an appropriate message text in the parameter value, such as: This Customer is CASH ONLY!
You can set this value to a numeric amount to warn the cashier that the change amount is perhaps too large. It does not prevent them from continuing, but serves only as a warning. The amount, if any, should be entered using numbers only, e.g., 100.00, not $100.00.
At most sites that use the Quadrant RASWIN program all funds are deposited to a single account in one bank.

When multiple banks (or multiple accounts within a single bank) are used payments are normally credited to the BANKCODE defined on the TRAN CODES table.

However, at some locations, or for some payment types (e.g., Credit Cards) you may wish to credit payments to a difference bank account. This setting allows you to tell the program to use the TRANCODEbankcode, or the PAYMENT-METHOD bankcode.

If the setting is any value other than PAYMENT-METHOD it will be treated as TRANCODE.
If set to Y the reference number will be cleared between payments if multiple tenders are entered.

If set to N, the value from the previously entered payment will be carried forward to the current entry. It can still be changed if needed.
This setting tells the program what payment method to assign to the F2 button on the payment screen. It is normally set to CK (check). However, depending on your specific environment you may wish to have the button default to some other method such as CC (Credit Card) or any other valid method you have defined in the payment types table.

The default value is CK.

Note that if you have defined specific payment types as permitted for specific trancodes via the PMT_TYPES_LIST setting on the trancode record[s], then these will override the method defined in the PMT-F2-METHOD described here. See the full explanation of PMT_TYPES_LIST in the tran codes table for more details.
On the PAYMENT screen you can select the method from the drop down list with a single click of the mouse. In earlier versions you needed to use a double click. If you prefer to use a double click, this can be forced by changing the setting to N under payment options.

The default value is Y.
This setting defines which payment method is used as the default method for payments when the Payment Screen is initially loaded. The 'drop down' box in the upper left corner of the payment screen will be set to this value (if it is a valid method) when the payment screen is first loaded.

The default value is CASH.
This option causes the program to permit the user to request only ONE check endorsement for a given tender. This is done so that once they send the endorsement text to the slip printer, a second request can't be made without starting the endorsement process over again from the beginning.

This prevents multiple endorsements from being inadvertently sent to the printer which can confuse the operator and cause problems with subsequent printer functions such as receipt printing. The data in the printer buffer is printed on a FIFO [First-In/First-Out] basis, so if a second endorsement is sent to the printer and remains unprinted the receipt will not be printed until the unprinted check endorsement is cleared -- either by actually printing it, or by turning the printer off and then on again.

Since the user is likely to have inserted the check into the printer and printed it. A second unprinted check endorsement will typically cause the user to think there is a printer malfunction when the receipt does not print as expected.

If this value is set to Y, the option to send multiple endorsements to the printer will be deactivated. This is the default value.

If set to N you will be able to send a single endorsement to the printer as many times as you wish. We do no recommended that you use this setting for the reasons detailed above.
If set to Y the program will activate a special command button that will appear just above the payer name entry field. This is a custom function that requires special setup and is specific to certain Quadrant Systems customers.

If set to N the button is grayed out you will not be able to use this function.
LOOKUP-NAME RASWIN supports two different methods of looking up a payer name during payment entry. Depending on your specific requirements (if any) you can use one of the two name selection forms. Quadrant will advise help you determine which of the two lookup forms is the most appropriate match to your needs.
The setting can be one of three values:
Option Setting Result
Y (or ALWAYS) you must enter a payer name
N (or NEVER) you can never enter a payer name
O entry of the name is optional
This parameter permits you to define payer name shortcuts so you can enter a full text payer name with just a few key strokes. You can set up multiple payer=[somecode] entries, but each must be unique. As an example, suppose you frequently receipt funds from other departments, the county, the state, etc. You can set up a record for EACH of these entities, using whatever code you like, as follows
Key Value Text Value
PAYER=PD Police Department
PAYER=FD Fire Department
PAYER=FA Fine Arts Center
PAYER=PR Parks & Recreation
PAYER=JP Joe the Plumber

Remember, each key value must be unique. We suggest you use one to three letters for each payer-name code. They can be pre-associated with specific tran_codesby setting the default_Tran_code in the transaction codes table.





You can set up 5 user-defined commands to assist you with the various functions needed to complete payment processing. These will appear as command buttons at the bottom of the payment entry screen. If they are not defined, you will not see them. You don't need to setup any or all of the keys if you don't want to use them. Each of the settings requires two misc parameters - the "Caption", which is the text that will appear on the command button, and the "Action" which relates to a pre-defined set of keystrokes that you would have to type or clicks that you would need to do with a mouse. These are the possible values for the action settings are as follows.
Text Value
The [method] value is any VALID payment type. For example CASH, CK, CC, etc. The actual values you can use depend on your particular payment methods. If the payment type listed in the ACTION setting is not valid, (it it not a method in the payment types table), the program will completely ignore the action setting. The characters -BALDUE must follow the [method], for example, CASH-BALDUE, CK-BALDUE , etc. You do not need the brackets [] around the method.

The setting ENDORSE(Y) or ENDORSE(N) relates to check processing only. If the payment types table is not set to endorse the particular payment method (for example, CASH) then the ENDORSE(Y) action will be ignored. The system will not endorse checks if the setting is ENDORSE(N) , even if the method in the Payment Types Table is set to require endorsement.

A receipt is printed if the setting is RECEIPT(Y) or not printed if it is RECEIPT(N). The settings DONE-RECEIPT(Y) and DONE-RECEIPT(N) assume you have entered your payments manually and simply wish to close out the receipt. In most cases you would not endorse 'Batch Checks', but some of our customers endorse a slip of paper or a 3x5 card for the full amount of the batch and place that with the checks to indicate that those checks have been posted. The "Caption" record must be named PMT-USER[n]-CAPTION, where 'n' equals a value from 1 to 5. These correspond to the 5 command buttons that appear at the bottom of the screen. Likewise, the "Action" record must be named PMT-USER[n]-ACTION , where 'n' equals a value from 1 to 5. These correspond to the 5 command buttons that appear at the bottom of the screen. The brackets are not part of the key value... they are just shown here for clarity. To setup the first button, to perform the completion example given above, you would need to create the MISC-PARM record as shown below:
Key Value Text Value
The caption data value can also contain windows "accelerator keys", to enable you to invoke the command from the keyboard instead of having to use the mouse to click on the command button. To do this, you simple include the & character (ampersand) before the character in the caption character. This is a standard Windows function. For example, if you wanted to be able to press ALT-D to invoke the command button, your text value for the caption would be: &Done-Receipt When displayed on the button, this will show as : Done-Receipt as a visual reminder that you can press the ALT-D combination to process that command. You can use any single letter as your accelerator key (1 to 0, A-Z). If you define multiple keys, we suggest that each one be given a number or that you be careful to insure that each one is given a different letter. The ampersand character does not have to be the first character - it can be in front of any of the characters in the caption string, e.g., Done-&Receipt When displayed on the button, this will show as : Done-Receipt any the key command would be ALT-D The second step is to create another MISC PARM as shown below:
Key Value Text Value
PMT-USER1-ACTION Done-Receipt(Y)
If your ACTION settings are anything but the permissible values shown above, the program will generally ignore this information. The ORDER in which the ACTION keywords are listed does not matter, but SPELLING does! For example, you could specify


instead of


and it should work the same either way.



has various misspelled words and would not be recognized by the program.