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R-xxx-01 to R-xxx-20

RASWIN permits you to define multiple receipt formats for the detail line items on the customer receipt. Each tran_code has a field called Rcpt_Format_code which permits you to link different transaction codes to the type of information you want to show for that particular transaction code. For example, you might want one format for a utility bill payment, another format for a business license, and yet another format for a parking citation.

The value of the Rcpt_Format_code can be any combination of letters or numbers, up to 10 characters. When you print (or reprint) a customer receipt, the program the system uses the letter R- plus the Rcpt_Format_code, plus a sequence number ranging from 01 to 20 to find the text you wish to print on the receipt line item detail section.

The record key itself is made up of three parts -- the letter R plus the Rcpt_Format Code and the SEQUENCE NUMBER. There is a dash between each portion of the key value.

As noted above, the Rcpt_Format Code can be any characters or numbers, up to ten digits long. For examples:

001 009 license
permit parking tax

This value would then be set on the tran_code and enable different receipt formats for each unique Rcpt_Format Code. Don't confuse this code with the SEQUENCE NUMBER

A few example entries might look like this:

The keyword values and their corresponding data values are shown below. The {key word} is the name of data value; these must be surrounded with curly brackets. Other text, such as REFERENCE#:, account#:, and comment#: in the example above, will printed as literal characters.
{description} The transaction description entered on the transaction line item entry screen.
{FEE-AMOUNT} The amount of the fee being validated (line item amount).
{QTY} Prints the Quantity entered by the cashier. Normally used in conjunction with the {UNIT-FEE} key word described below.
{UNIT-FEE} Prints the value of the Unit Fee for the transaction. Normally used in conjunction with the {QTY} keyword, described above, for quantity based fees such as copies.
{REF-NUM} The reference number entered on the transaction entry screen.
{DR-ACCT} The debit account number.
{CR-ACCT} The credit account number.
{COMMENT} The comment entered on the transaction line item entry screen.
{TRAN-CODE} The transaction code entered on the transaction line item entry screen.
{SHORT-DESC} The short transaction description field from the Transaction Codes Table.