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Scan Line Setup

This section describes how to set up your system to properly interpret scan lines from remittance documents such as utility or tax bills.

Setting these up requires that you know where within your scan line the account number appears. In this example we are going to use a very simple example where the scan line contains 2 values - the account number and the balance due.

We are normally concerned only with the account number portion of the scan line since the program will then access your master account database (either on-line or via a lookup file) to obtain the account name, address, and balance due once it knows the account number (from the scan line). For example, the scan line might look like this:


The first ten characters are the account number, and the last ten characters are the balance due (at the time the the statement was printed).

During transaction processing you will have the ability to lookup the account balance information if your tran_code has been properly configured. This will cause the  F7  lookup command button to be activated.

If you don't have a scannable document simply press the  F7  key and you will be taken to the Account Lookup screen. However, if you do have a document, scan in the item into the Reference # field then press  F7 . The program will then extract the account # portion of the account from the scan line and try to find the one matching account # via the normal lookup process (as if you had keyed in the account number manually.)

Via table maintenance, add a new miscparm table entry that has a key value of short-user-name-SCAN-trancode.

The key is made of 3 parts, each separated by a dash (-) character.

There is a key value in your MISCPARMS table called SHORT-USER-NAME. Whatever value this is set to needs to be the first part of your new misc parm value. For example, if your SHORT-USER-NAME is set to TIMBUCKTWO, the key value for scanning would be TIMBUCTTWO-SCAN-trancode.

The second portion of the key value (next 4 characters) must be scan and the trancode portion should the trancode that you are using for your scanned items. For example, if your scanned item Tran_Code is 1002 you need a MISC PARM with key value of TIMBUCTTWO-SCAN-1002. If your trancode is UBSCAN your MISCPARM key value will be TIMBUCTTWO-SCAN-UBSCAN

The text_value for the MISCPARM you set up is made of two parts. These define the STARTING POSITION of the account number and the SIZE of the account number within the scan line. They are separated by a dash. For example:


The first two characters define the starting position. The last two define the size. When you scan in a complete scan line the program uses these values to determine which portion to save and which portion to "throw away". Once it has separated the account number from the rest of the scan line it will then use that value to search the database for a matching entry.