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Section 11
Address Field Names

The address field names table contains the NAMES of the fields that will appear on the screen if you elect to use the ADDRESS CAPTURE feature. This permits you to associate up to 30 pre-defined entry fields intended to capture additional information during the receipt entry process. These extra values are stored in a special table and can be printed on the customer receipt as well as on custom reports that you may create using Crystal Reports. The information is linked to the original receipt by the receipt number.

Each field in the table is listed, along with a short description, below:
  1. FIELD_TYPES This is the NAME of the group of fields (defined below) which will appear on the screen when you process a transaction that is set up to capture the address information.

    If you put an * (asterisk) anywhere in the field_types name field the program will force you to enter address data. Otherwise, entry of the address information is up to the user.

    The basic address fields (name/address/city/state/zip) are ALWAYS presented to you as entry fields and are shared across ALL of the various field_types that you define. You can change the names of these fields as they appear on the screen via the RECEIPT options settings in the MISCPARMS table.

    The names of the additional fields (F01_NAME through F30_NAME) are user definable.
  2. F01_NAME
    F30_NAME These fields contain the FIELD NAME that you wish to see on the screen next to the text entry area. These names can be any value you need to use for the specific type of data you wish to collect.

    For example, if you were collecting additional information about a business license, you might need to collect data such as the business name, owner name, # of Employees, type of business, est. gross revenue, etc. In this case, the field_types value might be something like BIZLIC. This would be the value entered in the TRANCODES, FIELD_TYPES field in order to tell the program that these fields are to be used during address entry.

    On the other hand if you were collecting information about a building permit, it might include such fields as job site address, owner name, contractor name, etc. In this case, the field_types value might be something like BLDPERMIT

    If you put an * (asterisk) anywhere in the name field an entry MUST be made in that field. Otherwise, entry is optional.
Starting with version 1.0.2046, the program allows you to make entry of the address data REQUIRED, whereas in earlier versions of the program entry was always optional. Please refer to this information for more details about this change.