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Receipt Entry Settings
KEY VALUE What it does ...
DEFAULT-RECEIPT-COPIES When you print a customer receipt you have the option of printing one copy or multiple copies. With this parameter you can preset how many copies you want to print normally, without having to manually adjust the number of copies to be printed. Typically, you would set this value to 1 or 2, and on those occasions when you want a different number of copies you would manually change the number of copies to be printed at the time you print the receipt[s] by adjusting the # of copies box on the screen.
LOOKUP-BALANCE-LIMIT When looking up a customer account on the receipt processing screen you can control the dollar amount at which the balance due figures turns 'red' on the lookup screen. This parameter allows you to do this. Typical values are in the 200.00 to 300.00 range. The RED color is not intended to indicate a past due situation .. only to draw the cashier's attention to amounts in excess of the specified value.
MAX-TRANCODE-SIZE This setting defines the maximum number of characters allowed for your TRAN_CODE. By default, this setting is 30 characters. In some situations, such as when transferring data to a host system, the field size on the receiving end may be smaller. You can set this value to be smaller than the default value so that the codes you send to the host system will not exceed the size it can accept. This value will apply to all workstations. If you set it to a lower value than you previously used it will not retroactively adjust the size of previous entries which are stored in the RASWINSQL database (where the TRAN_CODE field size is 30 characters, regardless of the setting), however, it will affect data exported from the RASWIN database such that any newly created exports will only send data up to the maximum size specified by this setting.





These settings allow you to specify pairs of replacement characters that will be replaced in each of the primary entry fields on the line item entry screen.

The default settings for each of the parameters are as follows:

The default settings will automatically be created by the program if they are not present already.

When you enter data into the fields noted above the program will check to see if you have any replacement pairs defined in that field. The format for defining the pairs is to begin the entry with a \ character, then indicate the character that is to be replaced, e.g, in the examples above, an _ character, then the character that will replace the first character in the example above, a  (space) character, and finally a trailing \. When you leave the field, the program will make the defined replacement[s] before storing the values in the transaction database. You can, for example, as shown above, replace underscores with spaces. You can also define multiple pairs for a specific field..e.g.,
\_ \.-\, which would replace all underscores with a space, and all periods with a dash. You can't use the equal sign or a slash character as "pair values" since they are used to control the logic of the replacement steps.

For good measure, the logic of the replacement routine also strips TAB, CR, and LF characters as well, which would not normally be in the input data.
RECEIPT-CANCEL-AFTER-DOCS This setting controls whether you can select the "Cancel" option on a receipt after you have endorsed a check or validated a document. The valid settings are Y or N.
LOOKUPS-AR-DELIMETER - The dash character.
LOOKUP-SEARCH-MODE When your system is linked to a 'lookup database' you have two options for performing searches of the data. On the lookup screen there is a field where you put in the value you are looking for. Normally the name or account is keyed in on the main receipt screen and carried over automatically to the lookup screen, where it is searched for as soon as the form is displayed. Any matching entries are then displayed in a grid below the search criteria area at the top of the screen. If you manually change the search criteria on the lookup screen, and press ENTER the program will then search for what you entered.

If the LOOKUP-SEARCH-MODE setting is set to INCREMENTAL the program will re-query the database with each character you type, resulting in a smaller and smaller list of selected entries. If the value is anything other than INCREMENTAL, the search will not take place until AFTER you have pressed the ENTER key to tell the program you are finished typing. If your database is quite large, or you are connected to it via a fairly slow connection, you will probably be happier with the value set to BATCH.

The default value is INCREMENTAL. If you find your searches are slowed down by this option, just change it to BATCH.
VALIDATE-DR-CR-ACCOUNTS If this value is set to Y, the program will verify that the account number you enter on the line item entry screen in the DR or CR fields is valid. In order for this to operate you must make entries in the ACCOUNT VERIFY table that contain the valid account numbers. If the number is not found in the table, the program will tell you it is 'invalid', and you will be given the option of accepting the number as it is or re-trying the entry. This applies only to account numbers (DR or CR) for which you have set up edit mask entries in the TranCodes Table. If the operator is not permitted to edit the account numbers, no checking of the ACCOUNT VERIFY table is done, as it is assumed that the entries in the trancodes table CR_ACCT or DR_ACCT fields are correct.
These fields are used in conjunction with the ADDRESS CAPTURE feature. They allow you to specify a default value for City, State, Zip and Phone Number fields on the ADDRESS ENTRY screen.
These parameters permit you to change the field titles next to the input fields on the address entry and edit screen. For example, if you wanted to use the PHONE NUMBER field for another purpose, say "Mother's Maiden Name" you could change the field title.
REFNUM-EDIT-MASK-FORCE-ENTRY If set to Y the receipt entry screen will force the user to complete the entry of the reference number when an edit mask is defined. It does this by examining the text in the reference number entry field when the user tries exit the field. If the field still contains the underscore characters representing the entry positions defined by the edit mask.

Note that if the user spaces over the edit mask characters (with the space bar), making the underscore characters go away, the edit will be bypassed.

If set to N it will not perform this check.
ALLOW-ZERO-DOLLAR-LINE-ITEMS If set to Y the receipt entry screen will permit you to enter a line item dollar amount of 0.00 as part of a normal line item entry process. It will ask you to confirm the amount before adding the line item to the receipt.

If set to N it will alert you to the fact that the item value is 0.00, but will not permit the line item to be added. You can set this option one way or the other depending on your local requirements.
PREFERRED-RECEIPT-ACTION When RASWIN returns to the receipt summary screen after the user has added a receipt line item, it can be set to default to one of several options so that the most logical option for your particular processing environment can be the default 'action'. This makes it possible for the user to simply hit the ENTER key instead of having to press or click on the the specific buttons to do the default action. The valid settings are:

F4 -- This is the button that allows adding another receipt line item.

f6 -- This value will place the green highlight on the payment button.

F7 or F9 -- These settings control document validations. F7 is used to validate the receipt for the total amount, F9 is used to validate for the last line item amount.

any other value: The system will use the F6 option.

If you mostly process receipts for a single line item, you will likely want to have the option set to F6 so it will default to PAYMENTS after the item is added.

If you most often process more than one receipt line item on a single receipt, you may prefer the setting to be F4.
RECEIPT-HEADER-ID-FIELD This setting controls which user id value is printed at the top of the receipt. It can be set to any of the following values (the 'default' value is shown first, and is the recommended setting for nearly every situation):
Value Result
ORIGINAL-USER-ID Shows the user ID of the cashier who originally did the receipt, regardless of which user is presently logged into the workstation.
ORIGINAL-USER-NAME Shows the NAME of the cashier who did the original receipt.
CURRENT-USER-DEPT-CODE Shows the DEPT_CODE the user currently logged into the workstation.
CURRENT-USER-ID Shows the user id of the cashier who is currently logged into the workstation.
CURRENT-USER-NAME Shows the NAME of the user currently logged into the workstation.
CURRENT-OLD-USER-ID This is intended to print the user ID of the cashier for receipts printed based on 'legacy' receipts imported from the old DOS-based version of the RAS program.
ORIGINAL-AND-CURRENT-USER-ID Shows both the original user id who posted the receipt, and the user id of the currently logged in cashier.
NONE Does not show any user id.
RECEIPT-DEPT-CODE Shows the DEPT_CODE of the register linked to the receipt.
REGISTER-DEPT-CODE Shows the DEPT_CODE of the register upon which the receipt is being printed. This may different than the DEPT_CODE of the receipt number based on the register that originally did the receipt.
PROFILE-ZERO-LINE-VALUE-OK If set to Y the PROFILE TRANSACTION SCREEN will allow you to capture 0.00 value line items as part of a profile transaction. Normally these items are not added to the receipt when it tell the system to ADD the profile items to the receipt.
PROFILE-MASK-[profile-name] By default, an entry is created for EACH profile transaction the first time it is used. The default value is NONE, which tells the program that no EDIT MASK applies to the particular named profile. If set to the name of a valid EDIT MASK, then the program will prompt the user for the defined data in the format specified by the EDITMASKs table.

So, for example, if you have a profile named BUILDING-PERMIT, the program will create an entry called PROFILE-MASK-BUILDING-PERMIT, with a value of NONE. If you want to link the profile to an EDIT MASK entry named PERMIT-NUMBER, you would need to adjust the setting to read PERMIT-NUMBERinstead of NONE.
PROFILE-REFNUM-REQUIRED If set to Y the PROFILE TRANSACTION SCREEN will require you to enter a reference_number.

If set to N it will automatically fill in the text as Quantity: 1. If you adjust the quantity on the profile screen (next to the total at the bottom of the screen) it will adjust the reference number to match whatever value you enter there.
RASWIN permits you to have up to 10 "header" lines at the top of your customer receipt. The header typically contains the location name, the address, phone numbers, etc. You can setup the lines to appear on the receipt headers in several ways. First, you can define the settings using the HEADER-0 to HEADER-9 lines and special 'keyword' values that the system will use to substitute at the time the receipt is created. These might look like this:
Key value Text Value

The program will look for the keywords (surrounded by the braces { } characters ) and substitute the values from the LICENSE table for the register re-creating the receipt, or optionally for the register which originally created the receipt. These special 'keyword' values are as follows:
KEY VALUE What it does ...
{LOCATION-NAME} The value of the LOCATION_NAME field from the license table.
{ADDRESS-1} The value of the ADDRESS_1field from the license table.
{ADDRESS-2} The value of the ADDRESS_2field from the license table.
{ADDRESS-3} The value of the ADDRESS_3field from the license table.
{ADDRESS-4} The value of the ADDRESS_4field from the license table.
{CITY} The value of the CITY field from the license table.
{STATE} The value of the STATEfield from the license table.
{ZIP-CODE} The value of the ZIP_CODEfield from the license table.
{PHONE-NUMBER} The value of the PHONE_NUMER field from the license table.
{FAX-NUMBER} The value of the FAX_NUMBERfield from the license table.
{DEPARTMENT-NAME} The value of the DEPT_NAMEfield from the DEPTCODES tablefor the department of the register that is re-printing the receipt..

The next set of keywords draws information from the LICENSE table record which corresponds to the register that originally did the receipt, as opposed to the one that is currently printing it (e.g., during a reprint function). Using this method can reduce the number of receipt header format records you need to create when you have multiple registers, as you'd only have to have one set of format records that would be shared by ALL registers, and the address specific information in each LICENSE table record would be used to print on the receipt header.

KEY VALUE What it does ...
{LICENSE-LOCATION-NAME} The value of the LOCATION_NAME field from the license table for the register that did the original receipt.
{LICENSE-ADDRESS-1} The value of the ADDRESS_1field from the license tablefor the register that did the original receipt.
{LICENSE-ADDRESS-2} The value of the ADDRESS_2field from the license tablefor the register that did the original receipt.
{LICENSE-ADDRESS-3} The value of the ADDRESS_3field from the license tablefor the register that did the original receipt.
{LICENSE-ADDRESS-4} The value of the ADDRESS_4field from the license tablefor the register that did the original receipt.
{LICENSE-CITY} The value of the CITY field from the license table for the register that did the original receipt.
{LICENSE-STATE} The value of the STATEfield from the license tablefor the register that did the original receipt.
{LICENSE-ZIP-CODE} The value of the ZIP_CODEfield from the license tablefor the register that did the original receipt.
{LICENSE-PHONE-NUMBER} The value of the PHONE_NUMER field from the license table for the register that did the original receipt.
{LICENSE-FAX-NUMBER} The value of the FAX_NUMBERfield from the license tablefor the register that did the original receipt.
{LICENSE-DEPARTMENT-NAME} The value of the DEPT_NAMEfield from the DEPARTMENT CODEStable for the department to which the register is assigned.

This set of keywords draws information from the DEPARTMENT CODES table record associated with the register that originally did the receipt, as opposed to the one that is currently printing it (e.g., during a reprint function). During the printing operation it first retrieves the record from the license table for the register in question, and from that information it knows which department the register is assigned to. It then retrieves the data for the DEPT_CODE and substitutes the field values as shown below. Using this method can reduce the number of receipt header format records you need to create when you have multiple departments in use, as you'd only have to have one set of format records that would be shared by ALL departments, assuming that all the registers in the same department are at the same location. (If not, register specific exceptions can be created, or you can rely upon the values in the LICENSE table, which are by definition, register specific.
KEY VALUE What it does ...
{DEPTCODES-DEPT-CODE} The value of the DEPT_CODEfield from the DEPTCODES tablefor the department to which the original register is assigned.
{DEPTCODES-DEPT-NAME} The value of the DEPT_NAMEfield from the DEPTCODES tablefor the department to which the original register is assigned.
{DEPTCODES-DIVISION} The value of the DIVISIONfield from the DEPTCODES tablefor the department to which the original register is assigned.
{DEPTCODES-PHONE-NUMBER} The value of the PHONE_NUMBER field from the DEPTCODES table for the department to which the original register is assigned.
{DEPTCODES-FAX-NUMBER} The value of the FAX_NUMBERfield from the DEPTCODES tablefor the department to which the original register is assigned.
{DEPTCODES-ADDRESS-1} The value of the ADDRESS_1field from the DEPTCODES tablefor the department to which the original register is assigned.
{DEPTCODES-ADDRESS-2} The value of the ADDRESS_2field from the DEPTCODES tablefor the department to which the original register is assigned.
{DEPTCODES-ADDRESS-3} The value of the ADDRESS_3field from the DEPTCODES tablefor the department to which the original register is assigned.
{DEPTCODES-ADDRESS-4} The value of the ADDRESS_4field from the DEPTCODES tablefor the department to which the original register is assigned.

If you prefer, you can set the HEADER-0 to HEADER-9 fields up using LITERAL TEXT instead of the keyword method noted above. For example:
Key value Text Value

Each workstation ( 001 to 999) can have its own information in this table because it might installed at a different physical location.

Simply preface the misc parm key value with the register number, as shown in this example if this applies to your location. If you leave the register number value off the key value, then all registers will share the same header text information. There can be up to 10 lines ( 0 to 9) for each workstation. The record key itself is made up of three parts -- the REGISTER NUMBER, the word HEADER and the SEQUENCE NUMBER.

Each part is separated by a dash.

Key value Text Value
001-HEADER-1 <CENTER>City of Somewhere<BR>
001-HEADER-2 <CENTER>1234 West Main Street<BR>
001-HEADER-3 <CENTER>(999) 555-1212<BR>

During processing, the program will retrieve the records corresponding to the register number for the machine you are using in "sequence #" order. You do not need to have all the lines present, and you can skip some lines if you want to. For example, you might want to use sequence numbers 1, 3, 5,and 7. This way, you could later add in a line 4 (between lines 3 and 5) without having to re-sequence your lines. There are certain "modifiers" or "tags" you can use to cause your entries to be processed with special formatting. These are similar to HTML tags, (but without the extensive variety that true HTML permits!) These permit you to center information on the receipt (the <CENTER> "tag"), for example. Another tag you can use is <RIGHT> , which right justifies your entry. Each line should be followed with <BR> to cause the printer to advance to the next line.
The RASWIN program permits you to have up to 10 "footer" lines at the bottom of your customer receipt. The footer typically contains messages pertaining to office hours, special notices, or any other text of your choosing. Each workstation (001 to 999) can have its own information in this table if you need different information on different registers. As described earlier, just preface the key value with the register number, otherwise if you leave the register number value off all the workstations will share the same footer information. There can be up to 10 lines (0 to 9) for each workstation. The record key itself is made up of three parts -- the REGISTER NUMBER, the word FOOTER and the SEQUENCE NUMBER. Each part is separated by a dash.

Key value Text Value
001-FOOTER-1 <CENTER>Have a niceday!<BR>

During processing, the program will retrieve the records corresponding to the register number for the machine you are using in "sequence #" order. You do not need to have all the lines present, and you can skip some lines if you want to. For example, you might want to use sequence numbers 1, 3, 5,and 7. This way, you could later add in a line 4 (between lines 3 and 5) without having to re-sequence your lines. There are certain "modifiers" or "tags" you can use to cause your entries to be processed with special formatting. These are similar to HTML tags, (but without the extensive variety that true HTML permits!) These permit you to center information on the receipt (the <CENTER> "tag"), for example. Another tag you can use is <RIGHT> , which right justifies your entry. Each line should be followed with <BR> to cause the printer to advance to the next line.
nnn-TRAN-CODE-SEARCH-MODE This value determines how the program will behave when you search for a Tran_Code during receipt entry. There are 3 'check boxes' at the top of the search screen. There are seven combinations of search options you can use.

Data Value Result
TRANCODE will search the tran_codefield
DESCRIPTION will search the description field
ACCOUNT will search the account # field
TRANCODE+DESCRIPTION will search both the tran_code and description fields
TRANCODE+ACCOUNT will search both the tran_code and account # fields
DESCRIPTION+ACCOUNT will search the description and account # fields
STANDARD if the entered value starts with a digit (0 to 9) it will consider it a tran_codeand if it starts with a letter( A-Z) it will consider it a description.

The search logic the program will use as a 'default' (if you don't override it) is STANDARD. You can go into table maintenance and adjust the setting for the MISCPARM (Receipt settings) setting nnn-TRAN-CODE-SEARCH-MODE to one of the above settings. The nnn in the above key represents the 3 digit register number. As noted earlier, the program will use STANDARD as the default if no alternative value is specified. The program will create the key and value automatically the first time you try to do a lookup of the tran_code. It can be changed via table maintenance.
CONVENIENCE FEES In some situations you may want to charge a CONVENIENCE FEE. This is typically done to recoup the fees associated with processing credit cards. But there are other situations where a convenience fee could be used ... for example, if a customer wanted to purchase a report or other duplicate license or certificate copies by phone, you might have an extra charge to cover postage or other related costs.


It is not always permitted to charge convenience fees some credit card processing/merchant agreements, nor is it permitted in all states. You should be 100% certain that you know the exact rules that apply before doing this as there can be penalties or fines associated with incorrectly charging these fees. Quadrant will not assume liability in cases where the addition of any convenience fee charges violates and local, county, state or federal law or regulations, or the terms of any merchant services agreements.

In the case of credit card processing fees, it is usually the case that you must make it 100% clear to the customer what the basis for charging the fee is and how much it will be.

Based on the rules you establish (as described below) this will be visible to the cashier before any payment is processed so they can inform the customer as required.

RASWIN permits you to establish different rules for calculating a convenience fee amount. For example, you could have one CONVENIENCE FEE that is a simple fixed dollar amount ... say $3.50. In other cases you may wish to establish a convenience fee based on the transaction amount, such as 3.25% of the total amount due.

In other cases, you may need to establish a fixed amount based on a range of values .. for example, from $0.01 to $10.00, the convenience fee would be $1.00, from $10.01 to $50.00, it would be $5.00, and above $50.00 it would be $10.00.

There are just a few things you would need to establish in your tables to implement any one or all of the above options.
  1. Create a TRANCODE in the TranCodes table that will serve to identify the convenience fee, for example, you might use CF. The description you use will be what appears on the customer receipt.
  2. Create the needed MISCPARMS table settings that will tell the program how to add the convenience fee. There are just a few.

      This is a list of the specific trancodes that are considered to be convenience fees. The list should be delimited with forward slashes, for example, if your trancode is CF, list it in this setting as /CF/. If you have two trancodes that are convenience fees, such as CF1 and CF2, list them in this setting as /CF1/CF2/. When you enter the trancode the program will check it against the list to see if the extra logic associated with convenience fee processing should be done. If it's not in the list then it will be considered a normal transaction.

      This setting tells the program the method to use to calculate the convenience fee. Note that the [TRANCODE] portion of the setting should contain your trancode. For example, if the convenience fee trancode is CF, the parm name would be: CONVENIENCE-FEE-METHOD-CF. Do not include the square brackets. By having a separate method (and RATE, see below) you can establish rules to cover more than one scenario.

      There are three possible method settings: %, FIXED, or LOOKUP.

      This setting defines the dollar or percentage amount to use for the transaction when the % or FIXED method is used. If the method is LOOKUP, then the program will look up the amount to charge via the CONVENIENCE_FEEs table based on the total due on the receipt AT THAT POINT.

      If you need to charge a fee for only some items on the receipt, but not others, add the items subject to the fee, first then, then add the convenience fee, then add the remaining items.
  3. To add the convenience fee to a receipt, you first add the specific line items that the customer is paying for. For example, suppose the receipt contains fees for a Utility Payment and the customer wants to pay with a credit card. After adding the base fee[s], you will then add one more fee to the receipt for the convenience fee. Using the example above, this would be CF. The program would then look at the total due on the receipt as of that moment and add another line to the receipt using the method you have defined for the CF convenience fee.

    From that point, you simply proceed with the payment processing step to process the credit card for the total amount due on the receipt (which includes the item[s] the customer is paying for plus the calculated convenience fee.