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Section 11
License Table

Each field in the table is listed, along with a short description, below:

    This is the numeric value of the register. It can range from 1 to 999. The program determines which register number it is by checking for a file in the

    c:\program files (x86)\quadrant\raswin

    directory when it first starts. This file must be present in the directory and must be called (where xxx = the three digit register number.) For example, if the system is to be register #1, the REG file must be called REG.001. If it is register #2, it must be called REG.002.

    When searching for a REG file the program starts with REG.001 and works its way up to REG.999. If there is more than REG file in the directory, the program will stop searching as soon as it finds the first valid file. For example, if you have a REG.010 and a REG.020 the program will consider itself to be REGISTER #10.

    Once it has determined which register it is supposed to be, it reads the values from the LICENSE table to determine the location name and department code, as well as other information from the license table. Some of these values are factored into the calculation of the LICENSE NUMBER used to control which forms of transaction processing are permitted, including a regular unlimited license, volume limited license, FASTPOST, etc.

    This setting controls the location name that is factored into the calculation of the license number. It is typically set to the organization name .. e.g., CITY OF SOMWEHERE. Once this value is set and a valid license number is assigned by Quadrant changing the name will result in the license number being invalid. Contact Quadrant tech support if you need to adjust your location name.

    This setting controls the department that is factored into the calculation of the license number. It is typically set to a value such as FIN, PD, ENG, etc.. Once this value is set and a valid license number is assigned by Quadrant changing the name will result in the license number being invalid. Contact Quadrant tech support if you need to adjust your system's assigned department code. The DEPT_CODE can be up to 15 bytes in size, though we recommend short values of 3 to 5 characters.

    The DEPT_CODE also controls which transaction codes a user is able to process, which can either be based on the CASHIER's assigned DEPT_CODE or on the REGISTER's assigned DEPT_CODE. The MISCPARM setting DEPARTMENT-PRIORITY-MODE controls which method is used.

    The DEPARTMENT TRANSACTIONS table is where you specify which DEPT_CODE[s] can process which trancode[s].
  4. ADDRESS_1

    Fields 4 to 12 are self-explanatory and are used by the receipt printing functions to cause the location address to be printed on the top of the customer receipt. You can also use them if you create custom reports with Crystal Reports.
  5. ADDRESS_2
  6. ADDRESS_3
  7. ADDRESS_4
  8. CITY
  9. STATE
  10. ZIP


    not used
  14. RENGUM

    This is the 3 digit register number, e.g., 001, 002, etc.

    It will automatically be filled in by RASWIN.