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Section 11
Misc Parameters

The miscparms table contains a number of values used by the program for a variety of purposes. These include such items as document validations, check endorsements, etc. A complete list of the possible parameters is included here. You may not need some of them in your installation.

Each field in the table is listed, along with a short description, below:
  1. MISC_PARM This is the key value for the misc parameter. It must be a unique value from all other values in the table so that the program can locate it when it needs to. The program will not allow a duplicate key value to be added or created.

    In some cases the key value starts with the three digit register number . This allows settings to be unique to each register. In other cases, the key value is a "global" value that applies to all registers .. and doesn't include the register number .

    The spelling and format of the key value are important - if the program doesn't find the expected key value it won't be able to determine what your intended data value is .. in most cases it will use a reasonable default value but you might not get the results you wanted.

    key values and setting values are not case sensitive.

    The logic for the Misc Parms retrieval has several modes of operation.

      The program searches for a register specific setting, as described above. For example, for register #001, it will first look for 001-parm-1 , 001-parm-2 , 001-parm-3 , etc.

      For register #002, it will first look for 002-parm-1 , 002-parm-2 , 002-parm-3 , etc.
    2. Department Code

      The program searches for a department specific setting. For example, for department FIN, it will first look for fin-parm-1 , fin-parm-2 , fin-parm-3 , etc.

      For department PD, it will first look for PD-parm-1 , PD-parm-2 , PD-parm-3 , etc.

      The department 'prefix' must match the department codes in the DeptCodes table. These can be 1 to 15 characters long.

      If it does not find the keys noted above it will then look for the same keys without the regnum or deptcode prefixes , in other words, parm-1 , parm-2 , parm-3 , etc. This permits you to either set up settings on each register using the key values with the appropriate prefix, or a global set of values so that you only need to set up one set of entries.

      Some register specific settings MUST be present, such as the runcode values, which are tied to each workstation, the hardware settings that define the type printer, number of cash drawers and so on. Since these values will or can be different by workstation, they ALWAYS have a regnum prefix. In the setting descriptions throughout this documentmentation, the prefix NNN indicates the the setting is a register specifc setting.

      The program will check for the required Misc_Parm and if it finds it in the table it will use the specified value. If the value is not found, it will create an entry in the table with a 'default' value. This is done so that if you want to specify an alternate value (different than the default value) you don't need to create the key value -- rather, you simply have to modify the value which was created by the program. This helps insure the spelling of the parameter the program is going to use is entered correctly and makes it much easier for you to maintain these values.

      Note that in the case of register specific settings, the automatic creation feature will only operate when that specific register first attempts to access the missing parameter. It will not create values that are register specific for other registers.

    The program has logic to purge obsolete settings and values when it starts. This is one of the reasons it is import that all workstations be on the same version .. as older versions may rely on settings that are no long in use in the current version ... and when a more current version deletes the older values the older version will be forced to recreate them with default values and these are often not what you might have had set.
  2. TEXT_VALUE This is actual parameter value. It can contain plain text, or special values which permit the program to properly format items such as your document validations, etc. The values in this field are, for the most part, case insensitive.
  3. GROUP_CODE The table contains a third data column called Group Code . This data value is used only for reference while doing table maintenance. It can contain any value you want, but we suggest that you enter group codes that cause like items (such as check endorsements) to be grouped together when maintaining the misc parms table , e.g., ENDORSEMENTS for all check endorsements, HEADERS for receipt headers, etc. Placing a Group_Code on a line does not actually make it that line type -- the MISC_PARM key value is the only value the program uses to locate the Misc Parameter.
  4. SECURITY_LEVEL The field enables you to restrict access to specific records in this table. To do so, set the value to a number ranging from 0 to 99999 . Any operator who has access to the Table Maintenance Function will then be restricted to maintaining only those records that are set to a security_level less than or equal to their specific security level. Some MISCPARMS are set to 999999 to prevent them from being modified except via direct access with SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
  5. DATE LAST MODIFIED This field will contain information about the last modification date and who was logged into the system when it was changed. Note that some changes are made by the program itself, e.g., creating a default value if no setting is found, so just because a user id is associated with the change does not automatically mean they made the change via table maintenance.
A list of the possible categories of miscparms and their values is included in the links that follow.
  1. Balance Screen Settings
  2. Check Endorsements
  3. Document Validations
  4. Export/Import Settings
  5. FASTPOST Settings
  6. Function Keys
  7. Hardware Settings
  8. HTML Settings
  9. EXPORT/IMPORT Settings
  10. License Settings
  11. Misc Settings
  12. Payment Processing Settings
  13. Receipt Detail Settings
  14. Cash Recap Settings
  15. Receipt Settings
  16. Report Settings
  17. Scanning Setup
  18. Security Settings
  19. Void Reasons
  20. These are settings related to customer interfaces to other systems such as uitility billing, permitting, business licenses, etc.
    1. ACCELA Permitting Settings
    2. ADV Utility Billing Settings
    3. AIMS Parking Settings
    4. CRW Permiting
    5. HdL License/Permitting Settings
    6. Tidemark Settings