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Security Settings

Some RASWIN users don't want every operator to be able to perform certain functions, such as the START-OF-DAY (set accounting_date ) function, or to be able to access table maintenance functions or some reports. The settings listed below permit you do define the security level needed to perform each of the specific functions, most of which are self-explanatory by their names. These are listed individually below.
Audit Menu Security Settings
KEY VALUE What it does ...
This setting controls the level of security required to access the Audit Menu.

The default value is 999. The individual sub-items on the menu each have a user defined security level of their own.
This setting controls the level of security required to access the Audit Accounting Date Changes option on the Audit Menu.

The default value is 999.
SECURITY-LEVEL-AUDIT-DRAWER-LOG This setting controls the level of security required to access the Drawer Log report.

This report shows non-receipt related cash drawer openings, if this option is activated.

The default value is 999.
LOG-DRAWER-OPENINGS Some users want to record the fact that the cash drawer has been opened at times other that during a normal transaction. By setting this value to Y the program will record these events to a special log file which can be viewed using the "Audit" menu option on the Quadrant Systems RASWIN main menu. The program records the date/time, user name and drawer number in the log file.
SECURITY-LEVEL-AUDIT-HEADERS-DETAILS-PAYMENTS This setting controls the level of security required to access the special report that checks for missing header, detail, or payment records by checking each set of records for corresponding data in the associated tables. For example, if there is a receipt header record without any matching detail records it will be listed on the report. The default value is 999.
SECURITY-LEVEL-AUDIT-MISSING-TRAN-CODES This setting controls the level of security required to access the special report that compares the trancodes entries against the rcptdetails data to see if there are any records in the details that do not have a matching entry in the trancodes. This should never happen, but if incorrect setting of transaction codes via means other than normal table maintenance is done is done it has been known to occur. The report provides a list of any missing trancodes.

The default value is 999.
SECURITY-LEVEL-AUDIT-MX-LOG-FILE-REPORT This setting controls the level of security required to access the special report that shows changes to the tables done via table maintenance functions. The user is permitted to select a range of dates and the report will show each 'before and after' maintenance adjustment.

The default value is 999.
SECURITY-LOGFILE-RETENTION-DAYS As the RASWIN program is working, it logs information about cashier activity, error messages, and other information needed to track activity of the users to a plain text log file. The information in the log file can be helpful to Quadrant support staff if you experience problems with transactions on a given date.

Log files (one or more) are created each for working (calendar) day. In normal operation at most sites, there will be a single main logfile. If exceptional volume is processed, the logfile will rename itself once it reaches about 3mb in size, and start a new file.

Over time, these files will accumulate and can consume fairly large amounts of disk space. As they get older, the information they contain serves no purpose in assisting Quadrant in diagnosing a problem you encountered in the last few days. Therefore, the program will automatically purge these files after a user specified number of days. The default period is 90 days. You can adjust the setting SECURITY-LOGFILE-RETENTION-DAYS to a value that ranges from 60 to 365. Regardless of your setting, any value below 60 will be treated as 60 days. and any value above 365 will be treated as 365 except as noted in the next paragraph.

If you set the SECURITY-LOGFILE-RETENTION-DAYS value to 9999 via table maintenance, the program will bypass the program logic that deletes the log files and will not automatically delete them. Logfiles have been stored in several locations as the RASWIN program has evolved. These locations are all checked when the program starts for files when the purging process is performed.
SECURITY-LEVEL-AUDIT-SECURITY-MATRIX This setting controls the level of security required to access the special report that shows the priveleges a specific user has related to each system function.

The default value is 999.
SECURITY-LEVEL-AUDIT-VALIDATE-HEADER-TOTALS This setting controls the level of security required to access the special function that verifies (and adjusts if need be) the totals stored on the rctpheaders records by re-calculating the sum of the rcptdetails records for each receipt, and the sum of the rcptpmts records for each receipt.

The default value is 999.
SECURITY-LEVEL-AUDIT-VIEW-FILTERED-LOG-FILE This setting controls the level of security required to access the audit function that allows you to view the log file for the current register. The log file records information about system activity, including log on, log-off, receipt data, error conditions, and other information that can be helpful in resolving problems you might be having with your RASWIN installation.

The default value is 999.
File Menu Security Settings
KEY VALUE What it does ...
SECURITY-LEVEL-FILE-BALANCE This sets the security level needed to access and use the "Balance Screen" from the "File" menu.

The default value is 99.
SECURITY-LEVEL-FILE-BROWSER The default value is 999.
Table Export Security Settings
Your workstation MUST have access to the internet for this process to complete, and the standard FTP network ports must be open via your firewall. If you don't have access for these functions, then you can still create the compress files as noted below, but they will have to be emailed to us instead of sending via FTP.

The setting control whether or not a user is permitted to export table data from the system via the file menu, and the related FTP upload information such as the URL and password.

Your workstation MUST have access to the internet for this process to complete, and the standard FTP network ports must be open via your firewall.

When you use the export option for tables or to send your log file to Quadrant support, the first step will be for the program to create compressed ZIP files and then to upload them using standard FTP file transfer methods. There will be several compressed files created. These are generally all the files in the following directories:


The ZIP files themselves will be created in the: c:\programdata\quadrant directory and will include your user location name and the file extension of .ZIP Compressing these files takes just a few seconds and is quite effective in terms of file size reduction. Once the files are compressed the FTP transfer to the Quadrant FTP site will be completed.

KEY VALUE What it does ...
TABLE-EXPORT-CREATE-EXCEL-FILE This setting can be set to Y or N and will result in the Table Export function creating an EXCEL (.XLS) file in addition to the normal SQL script when you export your table data.
UPLOAD-FTP-URL Quadrant has created a special directory on its web site for you to upload copies of your table data. The correct setting for this setting most users is: This may have to be adjusted to a different value if the FTP upload location is changed in the future.
TABLE-EXPORT-CREATE-EXCEL-FILE This setting can be set to Y or N and will result in the Table Export function creating an EXCEL (.XLS) file in addition to the normal SQL script when you export your table data.
Transaction Data Export/Import Options
The settings control whether or not a user can do exports and imports of transaction data in RASWIN.
KEY VALUE What it does ...
FILE-IMPORT-LOCBOX-IMPORT The LOCKBOX import routines are shown on the RASWIN menu as "Import External System Transaction Data".

The default value is 99.
SECURITY-LEVEL-FILE-EXTRACT The default value is 99.
SECURITY-LEVEL-FILE-IMPORT-HDL The default value is 999.
The default value is 999.
SECURITY-LEVEL-FILE-START-OF-DAY This setting controls what security level is needed to perform the START OF DAY function, which permits the operator to set the accounting date.
PASSWORD related Security Settings
These options control a number of things related to password use on the RASWIN.
KEY VALUE What it does ...
SECURITY-LEVEL-FILE-RESET-PASSWORD If your security level is not as high as the value specified in this setting, you will not be able to reset the password for another user.

The default value is 999.
SECURITY-RESET-PASSWORD-DEPT-OVERRIDE Normally, resetting a password for another cashier is limited to cashiers in the same department. If this setting is Y this restriction is enforced. If set to N, the restriction is removed.

The default value is Y.
SECURITY-PASSWORD-RESET-PERIOD When a user resets their password the system records a value in the database to track when the next password reset is due. The default value is 60 (days) from the date of the last reset. If you want to completely bypass this automatic reset function set the SECURITY-PASSWORD-RESET-PERIOD value to 0. If integrated credit card processing is active (via CHARGE-IT-PRO ) then the password reset period must be between 30 and 60 days. Regardless of what setting you have established in the SECURITY-PASSWORD-RESET-PERIOD security value the program will check to see if CC processing is active and adjust the value to 60 if it is outside the range of 30 to 60.
PASSWORD-COMPLEX-REQUIRED The default value is N. If set to Y the user must enter a 'complex' password when they reset their password. If credit card processing is active and a user's password is not already 7 to 10 characters long or a complex one (described below) it will not force them to make it so until the next time they reset their password, however at that time they must conform to the minimum size and complexity settings.

To be a complex password it must conform to these rules
  1. Must be at lease seven characters long
  2. It must contain at least one number ( 0-9)
  3. It must contain at least one letter ( A-Z
  4. It must contain at least one of the following characters:
    ! @ # $ % * & ( ) + = [ ] { }
  5. The Password cannot be or contain the users FIRST or LAST name, e.g., The cashier's name is TOM SMITH, the password can't be TSMITH, SMITHT, tomboy, THESMITH, etc.
  6. The Password cannot contain the letters PASSWORD ..e.g., PASSWORD1, myPASSWORD, etc., will not be accepted.
PASSWORD-MIN-LEN The default value is 7. You can set it to a lower value if desired. If integrated CC processing is active, the system will verify that PASSWORD-MIN-LEN is set to at least 7 and PASSWORD-COMPLEX-REQUIRED setting is set to Y RASWIN permits the password to be up to 30 characters long.
nnn-AUTO-LOGOFF-SECONDS RASWIN can automatically log off the user if they just walk away from the workstation without selecting the "Security-F2" option.

If the option is activated there will be a 'countdown' timer in the lower right corner of the main menu screen. It will show the remaining seconds before the system will return to the sign-in screen. As the timer counts down, it will turn yellow when it reaches 30 seconds remaining. Then red as it reaches 10 seconds.

The first three characters ( nnn in the the sample key) are the register number..e.g., 001 for register #1, 002 for register #2, etc.

EACH workstation has its own setting so that different registers can be set to behave differently if that is necessary. If the setting is 0 then the time out function is deactivated, unless integreated credit card processing is active on the workstation.

If the setting is any other value from 30 to 300 the system will log the user out after that many seconds of no detected keyboard inactivity within RASWIN.

When the system logs out, it does not disconnect from the network or database. Instead you must simply log back into RASWIN using the normal login screen.

Once keyboard activity or other RASWIN functions are in process (such as doing a receipt or inquiry) the program does not perform the automatic logout which would interrupt those activities. In certain networking setups (controlled by your own IT departments, Windows may be set to logoff the network, or go to a Windows security or screen-saver screen after preset times. These are not controlled by any settings within the RASWIN program, and RASWIN can't change any such settings.

The default value (which the system will initially create automatically) is that the program will NOT automatically log the user off, so if you want to activate this option, you will need to adjust the SECURITY setting as shown below: If you have multiple registers, there will be one setting for each register. By default, the initial setting is 0, which will deactivate the auto logoff function completely. If you want to set the log-off to two minutes, just set the value to 120. Regardless of what value you set, the minimum (if it is not set to 0) the program will use is 30 seconds, and maximum value is 300 seconds (5 minutes). Note that the three digit register number precedes the AUTOLOGOFF-SECONDS keyword ... so EACH workstation can have a custom value best suited for its unique operating situation.

To turn the function completely off for ALL registers, just set the single setting AUTO-LOGOFF-ENABLED to N. This will cause the individual register oriented settings described above to be ignored. If you want it to be on for individual registers and OFF for others, the setting AUTO-LOGOFF-ENABLED must be set to Y, and the individual register settings, described above, will then define the length of time before the the timeout function takes effect.

Note that if credit cards are being processed, the automatic logoff function is always active on any workstation equiped with the CHARGE-IT-PRO software, and setting the AUTO-LOGOFF-ENABLED setting will be treated as y regardless of any other setting you may make.
This setting defaults to a value of N and is created automatically the first time the user defined by the 'user_id' portion of the setting logs in. At that point, you can edit the setting to change the setting from N to a list of the register's the user will be permitted to have access to. For example, suppose you want user ABC to access register 001 only, and user XYZ to have access to register 010 and 011 only. In this case you need to set the values for the users as follows:
The register values should be separated by commas as shown. Remember that if a user is to have no restrictions as to register, you just set the value to N, as in the example for user JOHNP above.
Start of Day Security and Options Settings
These settings control whether or not a user can perform Start of Day functions and several of the processing options on the start of day screen.
KEY VALUE What it does ...
SECURITY-LEVEL-START-OF-DAY-CHANGE-ALL-ACCTG-DATES This setting allows you to change the accounting date for ALL REGISTERS in a single department or all registers REGARDLESS OF DEPARTMENT. The default value is 99999.
SOD-DATE-CHANGE-MODE This setting tells the program how the
setting [above] should operate

The default value is CURRENT.

The valid settings are:
  1. CURRENT (or C): You will only be allowed to set the accounting date for the register you are working on.
  2. ALL (or a): You will be allowed to set the accounting date for ALL registers, REGARDLESS OF DEPARTMENT.
  3. DEPARTMENT (or D): You will be allowed to set the accounting date for the REGISTERS IN THE DEPARTMENT YOUR REGISTER IS ASSIGNED TO.
Note: The ALL and DEPARTMENT options are only active if the
level is at or below your assigned level.

Otherwise, the setting will be treated as CURRENT, allowing you to only change the date for the workstation you are currently working on.
DATE-WARNING-HOLIDAYS During the Start-of-Day process, the system can display a warning if the date you select is a scheduled holiday. The HOLIDAYS  table is used to set up these dates.

If the value is Y (the default) the program will check the date you enter and warn you if you have picked one of these dates.
DATE-WARNING-WEEKENDS During the Start-of-Day process, the system can display a warning if the date you select is a weekend day.

If this setting is Y (the default) the program will check the date you enter and warn you if you have picked one of these days as your accounting_Date.

This will ONLY apply if the DATE-WARNING-WEEKENDsdays setting is Y. In some situations, you may have some departments open on weekends (e.g., RECREATION, PD) while others are typically closed (e.g., FINANCE or UTILITIES.
DATE-WARNING-PERIOD This setting permits you to specify a numeric value (in days) that controls how far away from the current calendar date the accounting date can be before a warning message will appear on the main menu.

If the key value is missing from the miscparms table the default value will be 5 (days). There are three times the warning will appear (if the setting is not 0 [zero]).
  1. When you first log on the system, the program will compare the calendar date and the accounting date. If the difference between them is more than the specified (or default) value, the warning will appear. Once you have logged the program sets an internal flag so that the message will not appear again as long as you stay logged in and don't perform the Start of Day function again.
  2. It also does the same check when you perform the Start of Day function.
  3. Every time you switch cashiers (a different cashier logs in) the check is performed again. This is done so that even if one cashier missed the first message (hard to do), the second might see it and take the appropriate action, if their security level permits them to do so.
If the setting is 0 (zero) the warning will be suppressed, so if you NEVER want to see the warnings (we can't imagine why this would be the case) set the value to zero.
On the START OF DAY screen there is a display which tells the user how many calendar days back or forward they can set the accounting date.

This will only appear if their security level is below the level required to override the restriction controlled by the SECURITY settings setting called security-level-start-of-day-OVERRIDE-LIMITS By default this value is 999. If the user is below that level (or the level you manually set via Table Maintenance) then the following two additional settings will apply. SOD-MAX-DAYS-BACK (default value is 2 days) SOD-MAX-DAYS-FORWARD (default value is 5 days).

When these values do apply, the full calendar will be displayed on the Start of Day screen, but the user will not be able to change the accounting date to a value outside the indicated range.

A user with a security level equal to or above the SECURITY-LEVEL-SOD-OVERRIDE-LIMITS value will be able to set the accounting date to any date. Not that is is NOT NECESSARY to change the accounting date in order to reprint or void a receipt.
Receipt Menu Security Settings
KEY VALUE What it does ...
SECURITY-LEVEL-RCPT-MENU The security level required to see the receipt menu and any of its sub-items.

The default value is 99.
SECURITY-LEVEL-RCPT-RECEIPT-NEW The security level required to add a new receipt. The workstation must be licensed for receipt processing functions for this option to be active.

The default value is 99.
SECURITY-LEVEL-RCPT-OPEN-DRAWER This sets the security level needed to access and use the "Open Drawer" option from the main Function Keys buttons on the main menu.

During a normal transaction in which the drawer needs to open to make change or to put away monies collected, this security level restriction has no effect.

If the system is setup with no cash drawer(s) or set to test print mode via the Special Functions menu, the Open Drawer option will not be available.
SECURITY-LEVEL-RCPT-EDIT-ADDRESS-DATA The security level required to edit address data that was entered during receipt processing.

The default value is 99.
SECURITY-LEVEL-RCPT-EDIT-RECEIPT-DATA The security level required to edit receipt data that was entered during the receipt entry process. Specific fields on each receipt are subject to additional restrictions controlled by the EDITmasks table settings.

The default value is 99.
SECURITY-LEVEL-RCPT-ENDORSE-CHECK The security levelrequired to endorse a check 'after the fact'. The payment type must have been coded as a CK type during receipt entry before this can be done.

Normally the check is endorsed during the payment entry process. This function is provided in case a check needs to be endorsed for whatever reason subsequent to receipt completion.

The default value is 99.
SECURITY-LEVEL-RCPT-RECEIPT-REPRINT-CC-SLIP The security level required to reprint a credit card authorization slip. This will work only if credit card processing is activated.

The default value is 99.
SECURITY-LEVEL-RCPT-VOID-RECEIPT The security level required to void a receipt.

The default value is 99.
SECURITY-LEVEL-RCPT-VOID-RECEIPTS-BATCH The security level required to void a batch of receipts.

The default value is 999.
Report Menu Security Settings
KEY VALUE What it does ...
SECURITY-LEVEL-REPORTS The default value is 9.
SECURITY-LEVEL-REPORTS-CASH-RECAP This sets the security level needed to access and run the "Cash Recap Report" from the "Reports" menu.

The default value is 99.
Maintenance Menu Security Settings
KEY VALUE What it does ...
SECURITY-LEVEL-MX-MAINTENANCE-MENU This sets the security level needed to see the Maintenance Menu and any sub items on this menu. The sub-items may be set to a lower level than the level required to see the Maintenance Menu ... but they will not be accessible unless the user has access to the top level Maintenance Menu.

The default value is 9999.
SECURITY-LEVEL-MX-AUDIT-MENU This sets the security level needed to use the MAINTENANCE AUDIT REPORT function on the Maintenance Menu.

The default value is 999.
SECURITY-LEVEL-MX-CORRECT-DATES This sets the security level needed to use the CORRECT BAD ACCOUNTING DATES function on the Maintenance Menu.

The default value is 999.
SECURITY-LEVEL-MX-DB-INFO This sets the security level needed to use the DB INFO function on the Maintenance Menu.

The default value is 999.
SECURITY-LEVEL-MX-FEE-DISTRIBUTION-CALCULATOR This sets the security level needed to use the FEE DISTRIBUTION CALCULATOR function on the Maintenance Menu.

The default value is 999.
SECURITY-LEVEL-MX-MEMBERS This sets the security level needed to edit the values in the "Members" database on the "Maintenance" menu.

The default value is 999.
SECURITY-LEVEL-MX-PURGE-OLD-TRANS This sets the security level needed to export/purge transaction data from the Maintenance Menu.

The default value is 99999.
SECURITY-LEVEL-MX-RESET-BATCH-CONTROL The sets the level required to reset the batch number assigned during the daily transaction export processing function.

The default value is 999.
SECURITY-LEVEL-MX-SPECIAL-FUNCTIONS This sets the security level required to access the SPECIAL FUNCTIONS screen. This is normally used only during initial system setup to define the receipt printer type and connection port, cash drawer availability, etc.

The default value is 999.
SECURITY-LEVEL-MX-TABLE-MAINTENANCE This sets the security level required to perform table maintenance functions. The levels required to maintain each individual table are defined in the TABLENAMES table. A user thus can have access to the basic Table Maintenance function, but can still be restricted as to which tables they are allowed to maintain.

The default value is 999.
SECURITY-LEVEL-MX-TEXT-EDITOR This sets the level required to access the limited function TEXT EDITOR that is built into the RASWIN program.

The default value is 999.
SECURITY-LEVEL-MX-UPDATE-DB-STRUCTURE This sets the security level needed to access the UPDATE DATABASE function included on the Maintenance Menu.

The default value is 999.
SECURITY-LEVEL-MX-UPDATE-PRICES This sets the security level required to manual invoke the Update Prices function on the Maintenance menu. This is normally not required as it is performed automatically each time the program starts. If you use the Price Maintenance function and want the update to be performed without having to restart the program you would use this function.

The default value is 999.
SECURITY-LEVEL-MX-VIEW-LOG-FILE This allows you to view the Maintenance Log File, which records adjustments made to the tables within the RASWIN database.

The default value is 999.
DEPARTMENT-PRIORITY-MODE This setting determines how the RASWIN program establishes which department it will use when processing transactions. There are two possible values:

KEY VALUE What it does ...
R [REGISTER] This is the default value. If the setting is R, the program will establish which register # is assigned to the workstation, then refer to the LICENSE table to determine which DEPARTMENT CODE it is assigned to.
C [CASHIER] If the setting is C, the program will establish the DEPT_CODE by checking to see which department the currently logged in cashier is assigned to via the CASHIERS table.

The resulting DEPT_CODE value is then used the cross check against the DEPTTRANS (Department Transactions) table to control which particular transaction codes a user is allowed to process.
Help Security Settings
KEY VALUE What it does ...
USER-MANUAL-URL-ONLINE This setting defines the path to the internet copy of the RASWIN user manual. The setting will be created automatically the first time you use the Main Menu→HELP→USER MANUAL ONLINE option. By default, this will be set to

This is Quadrant web site. Users must have internet access to reach these files.
Void Security Settings
KEY VALUE What it does ...
VOID-SECURITY-ACCOUNTING-DATE-OVERRIDE This setting defines the security level needed to override the rule that prevents a cashier from voiding a receipt done on a different accounting_date.
VOID-SECURITY-CALENDAR-DATE-OVERRIDE This setting defines the security level needed to override the rule that prevents a cashier from voiding a receipt done on a different calendar date.
VOID-SECURITY-CASHIER-OVERRIDE This setting defines the security level needed to override the restriction that prevents one cashier from voiding receipts done by another cashier.
VOID-SECURITY-REGISTER-OVERRIDE This setting defines the security level needed to override the restriction that prevents a cashier from voiding receipts done on another register.
VOID-SECURITY-CASHIER-VOID-OWN-WORK This setting defines the security level needed to allow a cashier to void receipts they have entered using their own user id.

For audit and control reasons you may decide that a user must have another user void receipts for a cashier rather than allow an individual to void their own work. If the user who is trying to void the receipt is the same person who entered it, and their security level is not above the value set in this setting, then they will not be able to void their own receipts.

The default level for this setting is 99, which allows, in most cases, a person to void their own receipts. If you want to prevent this from happening, simply raise the level to a higher value.
VOID-SECURITY-DEPARTMENT-OVERRIDE This setting defines the security level needed to override the rule that prevents a cashier from voiding a receipt done by a cashier in a different department.
VOID-SECURITY-LEVEL-OVERRIDE This sets the security level needed to override the several void limitations and restrictions listed above.
Inquiry Security Settings
KEY VALUE What it does ...
During the inquiry function the program will permit the user to search a range of days for matching transactions. By default, the program looks 45 days back and 1 day forward. If you want to search a different range, you can manual adjust the settings on the inquiry screen. If you want to permanently change the default search date window, you can adjust this setting so it searches back in history for the number of days you specify. The built in default is 45 days. The system uses the calendar date the transaction was posted for searching. This setting is not saved based on the adjusted values you select on the inquiry screen. It is used only for the initial date range that is selected when you first come to the inquiry screen.
INQUIRY-MAX-RECORDS By default, the inquiry function will stop searching for records after 500 matches are found. If you want to reduce or increase the number of matches that will be displayed, you can adjust this value.
NNN-INQUIRY-THIS-REG-ONLY During the inquiry function the program normally searches the database for any matching records from ALL registers.

If you check the box indicating "this register only" on the inquiry screen, the search will be restricted to matches from the register you are looking on. If the box is unchecked it will show records from all registers.
NNN-INQUIRY-THIS-DEPT-ONLY During the inquiry function the program normally searches the database for any matching records from ALL DEPARTMENTS. If you select an alternate department from the drop down list of departments it will restrict the searching function to registers from that department only. If you want to preset the department that will be used for the search, simply set this value to that department.

For example, suppose you have registers in the FIN, rec, and pd departments. If you want to force the pre-selected department for register #001 to be FIN, the record key 001-INQUIRY-THIS-DEPARTMENT-ONLY setting would be FIN. If the user changes the setting during a inquiry session, e.g. from all to a specific department, that setting will not be saved to the database, so the setting specified in the database will take effect the next time they come info the inquiry function.

The default value is ALL.

Note that if the nnn-INQUIRY-USER-DEPT-OLNY level setting is in effect, then the user will not be able to change the DEPT_CODE.
NNN-INQUIRY-USER-DEPT-ONLY This setting is the security level required to modify the DEPT_CODE selection on the inquiry screen.

If the user level is below the level defined here, then the only department they will be able to select during the inquiry function is their own department.
When you go to the inquiry screen there is a button near the top of the screen that allows you to send the data displayed in the results grid to your Windows default printer.

Usually this data will fit better the page better if printed in a LANDSCAPE mode instead of PORTRAIT mode. These settings allow you to define the preffered font size and orientation of the printed page.

The default values are 8 and LANDSCAPE. EACH register has separate settings. The initial settings with the default values will automatically be created by the program when the inquiry 'print screen' function is performed.

Font sizes smaller than 6 will probably not be easily readable.