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Section 11

The cashiers table stores information about the authorized users of the program. It permits you do create a user_id and set their security level.

Each field in the table is listed, along with a short description, below:
  1. USER_ID

    This is the cashier identifier which tells the program which operator is using the system. It is a 1 to 10 character alpha-numeric value.

    If you want to have a small photo of the user appear on the screen after you log in to the QSI RAS program you can do this by placing graphic image files in a special directory


    If you want to change the location of the PHOTO_ID directory you can do this via the Maintenance-->Tables-->Graphics Settings menu option. Locate the key value called PHOTO-ID-DIRECTORY and adjust it to a shared network location to which all users will have access so the photo_id files can be shared among all workstations. For example, you might have a shared network directory (available to all the RASWIN users) defined as:


    RASWIN can also save the images to its database, so that once the images are loaded on one workstation, they will be available on all workstations. See the discussion below about how to enable loading the photos to the database.

    There are a few things to keep in mind when setting up your photo_id pictures:

    1. The file name for the photo must be the same as the user_id. If your user user_id. your initials, (say, CLN), the file name would have to be CLN.jpg.

    2. The file must be a JPG file.

    3. The size of the image should be about 200 x 200 pixels for best display. Images larger than this may be cut off. If you need help adjusting your images to this size, please contact Quadrant Systems RASWIN for assistance, use the SQUOOSH app on the web. (see in your browser).

    4. If there is no picture file available, the program will display a photo not available message or if this is not available either, it will just display a small box where the picture would be if the picture were available.

    5. Users can select their own PHOTO_ID image via the FILE menu. They can only change the image for their own USER_ID. There is no warning given if they select the same image that is used by another user, but the system will not change the image used by another user. If the user had a custom image defined changing their selected image will replace the custom image they previously used with the new one they have selected. The following option will appear as shown below: After you select this option, the following screen will appear: At the top of the screen you will see the first three available images. It will show the currently assigned user PHOTO_ID image, if any, in the lower left corner. You can use the Previous and Next buttons to move forward or backward three images at a time. When you find an image that you would like to assign to your USER_ID, just click on the one you want to copy it to new image box at the bottom of the screen. When you then click on the SET IT button, the program will copy of the selected image to the Current box at the left. This will apply your new image to your USER_ID.

      If the DATABASE option button is checked the program will store the image in the RASWINSQL database. If the FILE SYSTEM option is checked it will save the file to the directory specified in the PHOTO ID PATH.

      Close the screen by clicking on the "X" at the top right of the screen.

      When you return to the main menu, your new photo id image should display as shown below. Your new selected PHOTO_ID image should then display and will remain in effect until you change it again.


    The cashier's last name.


    The cashier's first name.


    1. Passwords are stored in encrypted form. The password will not visible to you via table maintenance, regardless of your security level. It is not possible to change them via table maintenance the functions.

    2. When a new cashier is added to the CASHIERS table, the initial password for that user will be set to PASSWORD.

      If the RESET USER PASSWORD function is used via the FILE menu, the specified user's password will be reset to PASSWORD. When the user first logs in, and the system sees that their password is PASSWORD it will force them to enter a new password via change password screen, exactly as if they had requested their own password to be changed via the "Change User Password" option on the FILE menu. In this case, the old password they must enter before they can change to a new one is PASSWORD.

    3. The system automatically sets an expiration date on user passwords each time the user's password is reset by the supervisor or if they change it themselves. By default this setting is 60 days, however, you can adjust the forced-reset period to a lower or higher value. This is controlled via the security setting PASSWORD-RESET-PERIOD. When a user logs in to the system and it sees that it is time to reset the password (based on the expiration-date having been reached) it will automatically take them to the Password Reset Screen. Each individual cashier USER_ID maintains it's own reset date .. depending on how often they change their password (or it is reset for them by the supervisor).

    4. If you want to completely bypass this automatic reset function set the SECURITY-PASSWORD-RESET-PERIOD value to 0. If credit card processing is active (PCCHARGE) then the password reset period must be between 30 and 60 days. Regardless of what setting you have established in the SECURITY-PASSWORD-RESET-PERIOD security value the program will check to see if Credit Card processing if active and adjust the value to 60 if it is not within the range of 30 to 60.

    5. Note:The RASWIN records a history of previously used passwords and will not permit the user to employ the same password as previously used for the last 4 password changes.

    6. Passwords are not case sensitive.

    7. Passwords can be from 8 to 30 characters long and can contain any numbers (0- 1) or letters (A-Z) plus special symbols such as ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) + = . The user's password can not be the same value as their USER_ID, can't contain their FIRST_NAME or LAST_NAME, and can not be PASSWORD.

    8. The program will allow a maximum of six attempts to log in. After six failed attempts the user will be LOCKED out of the system until the supervisor resets the user's password. At that point, the supervisor should ensure that the user logs in immediately and changes their password. If a LOCKED user attempts to log in, the program will display a message indicating they must have a supervisor RESET their password before they can do any transactions.


    The security level setting defines which functions a cashier is permitted to access. There are 6 basic security levels that apply, and within these 6 levels you can further refine specific functions by adjusting the actual security value within the level. The levels are as follows:

    0 to 8 NO PRIVELEGES
    9 to 98 INQUIRY ONLY
    99 to 998 CASHIER
    999 to 9998 SUPERVISOR
    9999 to 99998 MANAGER
    99999 SUPER USER

    If you sign in at level 99999 you will be able to see ALL the user ID's in ALL departments. However, if your security level is 9999 you will be able to see only those cashiers that are assigned to your department, and only those that are at your level or below. With a level of 9999 you won't be able to give anyone, including yourself, a higher security level than your level. Keep in mind that only personnel with level 9999 can even get access to the table maintenance function.


    Defines which department a cashier is assigned to. The DEPT_CODE determines which transactions the user is permitted to process. This can be determined either by the assigned value in the CASHIERS table or by the value set in the LICENSE table. The MISCPARMs setting DEPARTMENT-PRIORITY-MODE controls which method is used.


    If desired, you can enter the birth date of the cashier. This field is not required.


    Each cashier can be assigned to drawer 1 or drawer 2. When they process a receipt, the appropriate drawer will open (assuming there is cash associated with the receipt.

    If a cashier is assigned to an invalid drawer (e.g., 3 or 4, etc) the drawer will not open, but it is valid to use alternate drawer numbers.


    This field is optional. It is included so that you can print the cashier's phone number on reports, if desired.


    See above


    See above

  12. voids_flag

    This setting has been replaced by security level settings under the SECURITY OPTION table. There are a number of void security settings related to whether a user can void their own work only, the work of other users, users in other departments, work done on prior accounting or calendar dates, etc.


    This setting has been replaced by security level settings under the SECURITY OPTION table..


    This field is used to fill in the initial value on the balance screen when the cashier selected the balance option from the Main Menu. It is normally subtracted from the count totals to arrive at the net cash deposit for the day. If you want the starting balance to be based on this value you must also adjust a MISCPARM setting. This tells the system whether to use the CASHIER or the REGISTER as the basis for determining which starting balance to use on the balance screen. See this link for further information on this topic.


    This field is currently not used


    This field is currently not used


    This setting is no longer used.

  18. EPWD

    This value contains the cashier's excrypted password. Even if two cashiers have the same password value it will be encrypted in a manner that results in a different encrypted password value.

    The encryption used is a one way process; it is NOT POSSIBLE for Quadrant to DECRYPT your encrypted password. How can the program know that the password I entered is my password if the original password is encrypted and can't be unencrypted? This is actually quite simple: When your password is accepted for verification RASWIN will encrypt it using the same logic that was used to encrypt it the first time, and if the resulting encrypted value matches the value stored in the database, then it knows your password is correct. The value will look like a random string of letters and number: 6E8DC1E4041A5A165B517D4B591F4D9A96A520D9

  19. password expires date

    When you reset your password the expires data field is updated to contain a new date in the future when it must be reset.

  20. PWS

    This value is used as part of the password encryption process. It is automatically maintained by the program each time you update your password. Do NOT change this value manually. If you do it will invalidate your password, and a supervisor level user must then reset it for you. The value will look like a random string of letters and number: {012514FA-6D6E-4CDB-B8A2-D51BEB462338}