Void Reasons
KEY VALUE What it does ...

When you process a void using the VOID SCREEN the system will request a reason via a drop down a list. The settings from the MISCPARMS table for the various reasons are listed. The first part of the entry must be VOID-REASON- and this is followed by a combination of letters or numbers of your choosing. These are used simply to provide a 'unique' key value for the actual reason text that you enter in the second column.

If you have not entered any reasons, the program will automatically create a few for you, but these can be edited as needed to either change the text of the reasons or to add more reasons of your own to expand on the several the program will create for you.


If set to Y, the user must select one of the void reasons (see above) that are pre-defined in the VOID REASONS table.

If this setting is N, then they will be able to manually enter any reason they want to at the time of the void entry.

The system does not save these reasons in the VOID-REASONS table settings, but does record the user entered reason with the receipt data.