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Section 7
Void Processing

If a transaction needs to be voided, select Void from the Main Menu or click on the Void icon on the menu bar. This option will not appear if your security level is not at or above the level needed to perform voids.

This will display a small entry screen that requests the receipt number of the receipt you wish to void. If you wish to void the receipt, type the receipt number in the entry box. The receipt number must be entered as two parts - the register number followed by a - dash, then the sequence number.

The register number can be entered without the leading zeros and the program will automatically format it correctly (3 digits, zero-filled). Likewise, the sequence number can be entered without the leading zeros and the system will properly format it for you using the correct format (8 digits, zero-filled)

Once the register number is entered, press the  tab  key to move to the 'reason' drop-down list. This show a list of the reasons that you would might typically have for making a void entry. (Additional reasons can be added via the MISCPARMS-VOID REASONS) table. After you select one of the listed reasons, click on the  Process Void  command button. The program will search for the receipt you entered and if it is found (and not already voided) it will display a short summary of the receipt , as shown below: If you want to process the void, click the  OK  button. The program will mark the items on the receipt as void. This is done by simply changing the status code on the receipt header, receipt line items, receipt payments tables to status 99, which is how the program knows the receipt is voided. You will see a confirmation screen saying that the receipt was voided. It will then give you an option to print a copy of the voided receipt. See the note below about custom reports or SQL queries you may create.

Once a receipt is voided, your item[s] must be re-entered (as a new receipt) in order to have the item be posted properly.
NOTE: If you create custom reports using the RASWIN Quick-Reports, Crystal Reports, or other report writing tool remember that completed receipts are status 2, while voided receipts are status 99.

Your selection criteria for reports must take this into account to insure that report totals properly reflect the items you really want to see on the reports.

Each Header, Detail, and Payment record has a field containing this status code.